African grey color mutation

African greys have bright red tails that are easy to see against their light grey plumage. Despite the old fable that tells how African greys got their tails from red flowers, their tail color is evolutionary.

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African grey parrots have red tails due to red and yellow pigments called psittacofulvins.

Congo African grey parrots have bright red tails, while Timneh African greys have maroon-colored tails. Their tails keep predators away, defend territory, warn of danger, and assist with finding mates.

Their tails have helped African greys to survive and evolve. They remain an essential part of their survival today—the brighter the color of the tail feathers, the healthier the parrot.

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Why African Greys Have Red Tails

As mentioned, African grey parrots get red tail feathers due to pigments called psittacofulvins.

According to Current Biology, psittacofulvins are yellow and red, giving each parrot its bright and colorful plumage. Because African greys have several red pigments, they’re deposited in the tail.

These pigments are responsible for the survival of African greys because they:

Warn Predators Away

According to Science Daily, African greys use their red tails to flash predators away.

While African greys aren’t poisonous, the red color mimics danger, discouraging would-be predators from killing and eating them.

Also, red serves as a warning to the rest of the flock. If an African grey parrot senses danger, its red tail feathers warn other parrots to seek safety.

do all African greys have red tails?

Defend Territory

African greys live in trees and moist lowland forests. They also make the following their home:

  • Clearings.
  • Forest edges.
  • Gallery forests.
  • Gardens.
  • Mangroves.
  • Wooded savannahs.

They roost in trees that sit over water, giving them easy access to food and hydration. They set up homes in tree holes where they’re sheltered from the elements.

So, there’s competition from other African greys for the best territory. African greys use their brightly-colored tail, which serves as a warning to rival parrots.

Attract A Mate

The brighter the plumage, the more likely an African grey is to attract a mate.

In sexual reproduction, red is a sign of good health, and it’s believed that red feathers show a parrot can produce quality offspring. Bright tail feathers also signify that the African grey has no conditions that affect its reproductive abilities.

Female African greys prefer brighter feathers, which males show off as part of their mating ritual. If the male African grey parrot’s tail feathers are dull or tattered, the female is more likely to reject them.

While most African grey parrots’ tails look the same to humans, parrots perceive a broader range of colors and can see a wider spectrum of red shades, enabling them to derive more information.

African grey parrots are monogamous and only mate with one companion at a time. So, they must select their partners wisely for the best chances of mating success.

Not All African Greys Have Red Tails

There are 2 types of African grey parrots – the Congo and Timneh.

Congo parrots are larger and have bright red tails, while Timneh parrots have maroon tail feathers.

Both parrots are grey, but Congo African greys have lighter plumage than Timneh African greys, which are a darker shade of grey with a distinctive V shape on the chest.

African grey parrots may not have a red tail for these reasons:


Feathers aren’t permanent. As African grey parrots age, they undergo a molting process, causing them to shed their old feathers and grow new ones.

The molting process affects the feather structure, sometimes causing the follicles to become damaged. So, not all tail feathers grow back, and they may also turn a lighter shade of red or a different color.

Feather Plucking

Feather plucking only happens in captivity, signifying inadequate environmental conditions, such as:

  • Stress.
  • Hunger.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Vitamin deficiencies.
  • Lack of mental stimulation.
  • Dirty cage.
  • Predatory pets.
  • Too much noise.

MSD Vet Manual explains that feather picking can be due to disease, parasites, and allergies.

When parrots pluck out their tail feathers, new ones grow almost immediately. Feathers take 1-12 months to regrow (depending on when they were lost), not always retaining their old colors.

If the feather structure is damaged during the plucking process, the ones that grow back will be affected. As well as the color, the pattern could be affected, making the tail look different.

Vitamin Deficiencies

Vitamin deficiencies, particularly hypovitaminosis A, cause feather discoloration, affecting the tail feathers. Also, the deficit makes the feathers appear dull and lackluster.


Bacterial and fungal infections affect the color of an African grey parrot’s feathers.

According to Behavioral Ecology, numerous bacteria inhabit feathers, and some degrade them, significantly affecting their color.

Feather cysts also affect feather follicles. As a result, feathers can’t grow through the follicle as before, changing the feather’s color.

African Grey Parrot Red-Factor Mutations

While red-factor mutations are rare, some occur naturally and create red feathers that appear on random parts of the African greys’ plumage.

However, while mutations are responsible for specific colors, don’t mistake them for feather plucking. This also causes random red colors because plucked feathers can grow back red rather than grey.

Red-factor mutations cause the following colors:

Red Around Eyes

African greys usually have a patch of bare white skin around their eyes.

While feather mutations commonly occur around the chest and neck, parrots can develop a light red color around their eyes. It looks pale pink, more than a bright red, contrasting with the tail.

Red Feathers On Neck

It’s uncommon to see African grey parrots with red feathers around their neck. However, it can happen due to a rare mutation.

Depending on how many red-causing psittacofulvins the parrot has, some feathers naturally grow through red around the neck.

Random red feathers on the neck also signify damaged follicles. If a red feather appears as a single feather, the follicle has changed, causing the feather to grow abnormally.

Red Feathers On Chest

The F2 pied mutation results in the African grey parrot developing a red band of feathers across the chest. The color varies in shade and can appear light pink or deeper, brighter red.

This mutation is seen in wild parrots, although it can be replicated through extensive breeding programs. Due to this rare genetic abnormality, the F2 pied mutation increases the price of African grey parrots.
