
Baby Hyacinth Macaw Parrot

Original price was: $4,000.00.Current price is: $2,000.00.

Male and Female baby Hyacinth Macaw Parrot available for sale. These 6 months old parrot is currently being nurtured in a beautiful environment and ready to be shipped worldwide. All our babies are very friendly, entertaining and very well socialized. All our parrots come with a health certificate from an Avian vet and all babies are also DISEASE-FREE.

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Baby hyacinth macaw Parrot, The Hyacinthine Macaw, also known as the Hyacinth Macaw, is the largest macaw species. They have an average length of about 42 inches and a wingspan nearing 4 feet. Their weight varies between 1200 to 1700 grams. These parrots are striking with their cobalt blue plumage, contrasting black beak, and yellow to light orange skin patches around their dark brown eyes and at the edge of their lower mandibles. In their natural habitat, Baby Hyacinth Macaw parrot live in small family units except during feeding and overnight roosting. During these times, they often gather in flocks ranging from 10 to 100 individuals. They make their nests in the hollow trunks of Manduvi trees in the Pantanal region of South America, as well as in trees and cliffs in certain northeastern areas of Brazil. Hyacinth Macaw parrots typically lay 1 to 3 white eggs. Sexual maturity is reached between 4 to 7 years of age. In all nesting areas, there has been severe habitat loss in the wild and the hyacinth macaw is on the endangered species list as a result. The large beak of the hyacinth macaw is specially adapted to open and consume tough palm nuts. The lower mandible serves as a chisel to pry the nuts apart, while the upper mandible provides a crushing surface. Palm nuts are so tough that even a hammer may fail to crack them. These nuts are composed of 50% saturated fat and have a relatively low protein content (9-11%). In contrast, commercially available nuts like almonds, filberts, and walnuts also contain 50% or more fat, but it is mostly mono-unsaturated or poly-unsaturated. Therefore, it's crucial for captive hyacinth macaws to receive nuts with a high proportion of saturated fat, such as macadamias, Brazil nuts, and fresh coconut meat, which are more accessible than palm nuts. Hyacinth macaws require a diet high in saturated fat and low in protein. A domestically raised, well-socialized hyacinth macaw parrot is delightful company. They are gentle, playful, affectionate, and highly intelligent. Quick learners, hyacinths require ample stimulation, daily interaction, and engagement with their human companions to remain content. As highly social creatures, they flourish with frequent handling and cuddling. Lacking a preening gland, regular bathing is essential for their care. Their formidable beaks necessitate a robust cage. Providing a range of wooden toys, especially hard woods, is vital for their well-being. The Hyacinth Macaw, the largest parrot species in the world, can reach an impressive length of 100 centimeters. True to their name, they boast bright blue plumage. They feature a bare yellow eye-ring, large black eyes, a yellow chin, and a strong, hooked beak. Their zygodactyl feet—two toes pointing forward and two backward—are notable. With proper care, a Blue (Hyacinth) Macaw's lifespan can extend up to 70 years. Their powerful beak can exert about 200 pounds of pressure per square inch, enough to snap a half-inch broomstick in one bite. Hyacinth Macaws are adept at using their toes like hands, which aids in climbing and handling objects, and they are known for their ability to cleverly disassemble or unlock their cages. These birds form strong bonds with their mates, with whom they share food and engage in mutual grooming, often mating for life. Macaws are known for their playful and curious nature, and they can mimic human speech remarkably well. They require a lot of toys, exercise, mental stimulation, and human interaction to stay active and engaged.   Live Arrival Guarantee: We take great pride in shipping extremely healthy and active birds to our customers. If a bird has perished upon arrival, a Fertile Macaw Parrot Eggs For Sale Credit for the amount of the perished bird will be provided to you as a coupon code that can be used toward a future purchase. To honor our guarantee, we require notification, in writing, within 24 hours of receipt, along with a picture of the perished bird. Please communicate with us by clicking our grey Contact Us button. While antibiotics may occasionally need to be used to treat birds, we recommend that usage is coordinated with your Veterinarian If any of the birds are ‘tucking’ their head, sleeping all day, fluffed up and/or lethargic. During such times using antibiotics with their only water source might be considered, however, we recommend good Veterinarian guidance. If you have issues or concerns about your birds, please notify us within three hours of receipt of your order. Once your bird(s) are in your care, we trust that you will care for your bird(s) in a loving and healthy manner. Be sure to review our Bird Care Instructions to assist in your bird’s wellness. We wish you the very best in Avian adventures and thank you for choosing ‘Baby Hyacinth Macaw Parrot For Sale ‘. Live Animals are not returnable. Please note our pet bird offerings are ready to be domesticated by you, and have been previously weaned but not necessarily hand fed. The time it takes to tame your bird is dependent upon the amount of time you spend to create a strong bond of trust with your new bird. Every bird is different. We trust you will research your bird(s) regarding how best to bond with them, and their ability to be trained, as this will vary depending upon the bird species. Claims will be honoured within your 24 hour window of live guarantee. Thank you, Fertile Macaw Parrot Eggs For Sale ———————————————————————————————————————————– Our company goal is to provide excellent birds, products and customer service to help enhance your avian experience. Live animals are often challenging to source. Finding the best avian pet is our focus and includes our internal farming efforts, as well as our external partner network. As such, our team would be grateful that once you have placed your live bird order, you please work with us until your order is received. Please review our cancellation policy in the Terms of Service. You can count on us for the very best in selection and service. We appreciate being a part of your avian experience as well as assisting you to breed these wonderful creatures. Let us work together to meet their needs, as well as yours, and the company who serves you. We sincerely appreciate your patronage and incredible support!


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